Volunteer with us

Who We Are How We Build Peace Partners in Peacemaking Donate

Join The Sisters In Making Real World Change!

The Dominican Sisters of Peace welcome volunteers to partner with us in our mission to bring peace to a world in need. We welcome your time and skills at our ecology, adult learning centers, community outreach ministries, retreat centers, or one of our other areas of ministry.

Your Actions Strengthen Our Mission

Want to make the world a more peaceful place? Become a volunteer at any one of our ministries where the opportunity to serve is available to you. Our literacy centers need tutors and volunteers to teach reading and English as a Second Language. Our retreat centers are always looking for help in a variety of ways. Our health care centers need volunteers in providing quality of life for our patients and our ecology centers offer many ways to place your gifts at the service of others.


Based upon where you live and what ministry calls to you, please complete and submit the form below.

Ecology Center

Crown Point Ecology Center, Bath, OH

Heartland Farm, Pawnee Rock, KS

Shepherd’s Corner, Blacklick, OH

St. Catharine Farm, St. Catharine, KY

Learning Center

Community Outreach

Martin de Porres Center, Columbus, OH

Peace Center, New Orleans, LA

Looking For Additional Ways To Help Our Mission?

We understand that time is a limited resource in our world. If you wish to empower the Dominican Sisters of Peace but cannot put your boots to the ground, you can also donate monetarily. We truly value donations of time, energy and money – each is vital to continue our mission of peace and justice.
