Join Our Work For Peace

Who We Are How We Build Peace Partners in Peacemaking Donate

We Invite You To Get Involved With The Sisters Today

There are a number of ways to contribute to our mission of peace-building both at home and globally – but it all starts with knowing your options! Below, you’ll find three distinct ways that you can change the world. We invite you to discover the unique value that each opportunity has to offer and choose the path that calls to you.


To Our MIssion of Peace-building

There are several ways to contribute to our mission of peace-building. Direct donations to our ministries help with operating costs and special projects. Donations to our general fund give us the flexibility to apply funds where they are needed most. Support for our retirement fund helps us care for our senior and infirm Sisters. You can contribute to our overseas mission in Nigeria as well.

Become an Associate

Dominican Associates bring Dominican values to their families, churches, neighborhoods, workplaces, and cities. Associates live a life of prayer, study and ministry.

They have many faces and many walks of life: attorneys, homemakers, teachers, business-owners and factory workers. They bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world through their work, their art, and their lives, following the example of Catherine of Siena, who said,

“Preach the Truth as if you had a million voices. It is silence that kills the world.”

For more information about becoming a Dominican Associate, please contact the Director of Associates Colette Parker, OPA.

(330) 835-5688, ext. 418)

Volunteer With Us

Volunteers play a key role in our mission to bring God’s peace to the world around us. There are lots of ways you can get involved and engaged in the mission of the Peace Dominicans by sharing your time, treasure and talent. Just visit our ministry pages and find out more about how you can be part of our family.

Work With Us

The Dominican Sisters of Peace often seek employees to assist us in the operations and management of our ministries. We offer full and part-time positions, generous PTO time, and health and retirement benefits.

Explore Your Fulfilling Career Opportunities